Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fox News: The Most Unsubtle and Hilarious News Organization in the World?

Okay, I posted this on my Facebook account, but I just had to write a little about it here as it's so downright hilarious and BAD that it deserves a second mention and some thoughts from me.

Oh goodness gracious where to begin? First off, just read both of these articles and just be prepared to laugh your ass off at the ridiculousness.

"Is Bulletstorm the Worst Video Game in the World?"
"Sex in Games Leads to Real-World Rape and Other Ridiculousness"

Grayson Hunt: Murderer and Rapist of Corpses
Okay, first of all, the title of the article. That might be the most blunt, unsubtle, anvilicious titles I've EVER seen for a "news" article. Seriously Fox, I know you guys aren't the smartest bunch but were you even trying yesterday? Did you forget to drink your morning coffee? This is even worse than the "SE"Xbox title. I can definitely see where you got the slogan "fair and balanced" *sarcasm*.

Secondly, the rape factor. I am so happy that Andrew Eisen (the writer of the Gamepolitics article) put that graph in there showing rape statistics in recent years. Seriously, THIS woman is a real psychologist? It's pretty frightening to think that someone capable of such blatant idiocy can become a psychologist in this country now.

Thirdly, really Fox? Do you really think that after the Mass Effect debacle three years ago, which was insulting to the game and its maturity level, BioWare, and fans of the game, that ANYONE will ever take your reports about video games seriously again? You lost all credibility when it came to video games years ago, surely there are more important things to talk about, like how much you hate Obama no matter what he does?

Finally, this news story just lends further credence that "any publicity is good publicity." Almost all of the comments I read on the Fox News article were people mentioning how they hadn't even heard of the game but now were interested. I almost have to wonder if EA asked them to do this story. Hey Rockstar did the same thing with the original Grand Theft Auto. No matter how you look at it though Fox looks bad. If Fox was bought out by EA, then they're whores. If they weren't, then they're idiots.

Either way, I laughed my ass off at this story. It represents everything that's wrong with video game controversy while at the same time being so laughably over-the-top that it's just awesome. Oh Fox, you guys may suck but you're always good for a laugh.

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