Monday, May 2, 2011

System Shock 2 Wins

The people have spoken and in what I would call a landslide victory, System Shock 2 has been selected as the next retro game I will review.

I had a poll on Facebook, one on this blog, I asked people in the comments on this blog, and asked people in regular conversation and while a few people wanted Baldur's Gate, people really seem to want me to review System Shock 2.

And why not? The game is remarkably influential and can be given a lot of credit for the FPS/RPG hybrids that are popping up all around today. So the next retro game I will be reviewing will be System Shock 2.

Since I'm getting out of school this week, I'll be starting a new playthrough this week and hopefully have the review up within the next week or two. I can't wait to write up about what is arguably the greatest FPS ever and one of the scariest games ever.

The next retro game I'll be reviewing is Baldur's Gate. The poll was just to see which one I should do first. Hopefully, by the time I review Baldur's Gate, I'll have some video equipment and I can make a video review.

So I'll be posting a lot more this month and DEFINITELY a lot more in June with E3.


  1. Facebook just told me about your website. I like it. You'll love system shock, I did.

    My review:
    Whoever did the sound design needs a medal and probably a seat in the senate.

    Whoever thought weapon degradation was a good idea should be subjected to a screening of shrek 3 as punishment.

    review Doom II, Deus Ex, or Serious Sam next.

    I've got a website too now. I don't post as much as you do and it's pretty crappy.

    --Max Schwartz

  2. I've played it before. I just enjoy going back to some of them and giving them reviews on what made them great (or suck).

    As for Doom II, it's a little simplistic for a text review. When I get video equipment, it will be more feasible. As for Deus Ex and Serious Sam, I still need to play them.

    I'll check your site out. Thanks Max.
