Friday, October 14, 2011

Arkham City Launch Trailer (and Catwoman Code)

First the bad. Yes, the Catwoman gameplay is only available via an Online Pass. Yes, it's a douchy move by WB Games to try to further hit the used game market. As Tyler and I have said MANY times on our show, the used game market is important for many people and this was just mean.

First off, I don't want to blame Rocksteady as I doubt they had much say in this given that WB Games packages the game and sends it out. Now, what could they have done differently? Besides not having an online pass at all, two things:
  1. They could made the decision that this would have been an online pass bonus early and told us from the beginning that Catwoman would be "bonus content." She's been teased for months, since JUNE! And they just now drop this on us? Unacceptable!
  2. They could have simply not announced her at all.
That said #2 could cause people to believe that they were deceived once other people got this content. So, #1 should have probably been the route that they took. However, if you go to GameStop, they've said that they will be including a code to access Catwoman with every used copy, so thank you GameStop.

Now for the good. Batman: Arkham City is being released on Tuesday and if the reviews that have come in so far are any indication, it looks like it's going to usurp its predecessor as the best comic book game ever made.

To get you guys even more pumped and anxious for Tuesday, here's the launch trailer that Rocksteady released. I'll be picking it up on release day, so keep an eye open for my thoughts and my eventual full review.

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