Monday, October 3, 2011

Dark Souls Trailer and Arkham City Gameplay

Batman: Arkham City and Dark Souls are my two biggest releases this month. Both games have consistently impressed me with outstanding looking gameplay and design and each have brilliant predecessors.

I can't wait to play them and to review them and there are a couple of new trailers, one for each.

Dark Souls is being released tomorrow and it's been getting excellent reviews. I'll hopefully pick it up tomorrow but probably won't be able to until Wednesday. Keep an eye out for my first impressions of the game either on Thursday or Friday (maybe Saturday, it depends).

Anyway, a new trailer got released a few days ago and has gotten me even more excited. Some of the creatures shown in the, I can't wait to fight them. Enjoy.


Two weeks from tomorrow, Batman: Arkham City will be released. I'm even more excited for this than Dark Souls, though not by much.

So much publicity lately has been directed at the villains because, really, we all saw long ago how excellent the gameplay was going to be. Well they've shown another quick trailer, this time showing the city-scaping and quick brawl.

As Jim Sterling on Destructoid said, I love the way you can swing through, hit a few bad guys, and then swing away as quickly as you arrived. It feels like Batman and the open-world looks awesome. So excited.

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