Friday, February 10, 2012

Mass Effect 3: FemShep Trailer

Anyone who has read this blog much knows that I have been a big supporter of Female Commander Shepard. I play as both Male Shepard and Female Shepard, but for me FemShep will always be the true Shepard primarily due to Jennifer Hale's absolutely superb voice acting.

Unfortunately, she's never gotten much marketing support. In mid-2011, BioWare saw the push for her to get more of that and decided to remedy it, with the promise of giving her more screentime in trailers, unique in-game animations, plus a trailer of her own.

Well, the trailer has finally come in and here it is.

Okay, first of all, three squadmates from Mass Effect 2 who haven't been seen in ME3 marketing yet are here: Jacob Taylor, Miranda Lawson, and Samara (or possibly Morinth). I'm actually quite impressed with this. I didn't know if BioWare was just going to do a quick teaser but they went all out with this trailer. Got me even more pumped than before. Less than a month to go.

Oh and at the end: SHE'S A'FIRIN HER LAZER! Sorry I had to do it. Can't wait to see my Shepard finish her fight against the Reapers. March 6th is almost here.

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