Friday, March 2, 2012

Mass Effect 3 Launch Trailer, Assassin's Creed III, Bioshock Release Date,

We are four days away from the release of Mass Effect 3 and with any release, a launch trailer has been released. It does what I expect Mass Effect to do and love it for. A good combination of drama and action. Not much to say beyond that so here it is.

Open with one of Clint Mansell's pieces for the game, and we can also see that the Destiny Ascension is coming back. Geth and Quarians fighting, turian ships fighting Reapers, the Illusive Man threatening Shepard, and Banshees still creeping me the frack out, a lot happened in this trailer.

But it was the ominous and quiet phrase that Liara said at the end amid just an enormous amount of destruction that sold this trailer for me, "This is it, isn't it?" Yes Liara, in more ways than one. This is going to be a great journey.

I probably really haven't stated enough that I really dislike the practice of once per year releases. Not just because it will likely affect the quality of the game but because it takes all of the suspense and excitement out of waiting for a new release and official announcements.

Such has become the case of the Assassin's Creed series. That said, the fact that we're finally moving away from Ezio definitely gives a bit more excitement to see what's cooking in ACIII. And we've got some news on that front. The details of this are coming from CVG by the way.

The new setting for Assassin's Creed III will be in colonial America. It will take place over a 30 year period from 1753 to 1783. You will play as Connor, the son of an Englishman and a Native American woman. Like 2, it will start before he becomes an assassin and will go over his childhood. Some complained that this made the beginning of Assassin's Creed II slow and boring but I disagree. It did a great job of establishing Ezio's character and making me care about him and see his motivations, a huge turn from Altair.

Here's our first look at Connor:


Finally, Bioshock Infinite is another huge release for 2012 and it appears that we finally have a release date.

Bioshock Infinite currently has a release date set for October 16, 2012. Very excited to see the final product. The first was awesome even if it didn't quite hit the same level as System Shock 2. The second was good but nowhere near the level I expected.

With Ken Levine back on, this should be a great ride.

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