Monday, March 19, 2012

Mojang and Bethesda Settle and Diablo III Release Date

Hey guys. I know it's been a long time since I've posted anything but I've been playing a LOT of Mass Effect 3. The review will hopefully be up tomorrow or Wednesday, followed by two other posts, one about the ending and then a list of the best moments from the game.

But two pieces of news that I want to mention.

First up, the Mojang v. Bethesda lawsuit that Tyler and I had talked about so much on the podcast, is finally over and in a predictable way. The suit was over Mojang's upcoming game, Scrolls, which Bethesda stated infringed on their copyright because of their series The Elder Scrolls. It was dumb case that had no legs to support it. If it wasn't going to go Mojang's way, it was going to be a settlement.

The settlement gives the full licensing right of the Scrolls name to ZeniMax, Bethesda's parent company, and in turn they licensed the name to Mojang for their game Scrolls. They also will not make an Elder Scrolls competitor using the name. Both parties seemed pleased with the final settlement and hopefully we can now put this bullcrap behind us.


Last month, I talked about how Diablo III was delayed once again. Originally supposed to come out in Q1 of 2012, it was pushed back to around to Q2 of 2012. We finally have a definitive release date for the title.

Diablo III now has a release date for most of the world on May 15th. In Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico gamers will be able to download it digitally on that day and retail copies will become available on June 7th.

No word yet on how this effects the possible release date of Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm or any other upcoming Blizzard products but it's good to know that Diablo III will finally get its release.

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