Friday, September 16, 2011

Compsoles Podcast #3 : Top Ten Series

We made it to week 3 and the show just keeps getting better. We covered some Tokyo Game Show items and the 20 minute Skyrim demo. Hear our thoughts and give us yours. The special segment this week was our first top 10 and it was our top 10 series. Jack and I have quite the differences although we explain our reasoning and can see why each series was on each others list. Don't forget to tune in to us next Thursday 2pm - 4pm CST on Websters Student Voice The Galaxy at Of course if you can't tune in, you can check back here on Friday for the podcast.

Other things we talked about included:

Crysis on Consoles
Max Payne 3 Trailer
Headlong from Halo 2 will be in the Anniversary release and called Breakneck
West/Zampella v Activision dated
Team Meat done with Microsoft
Wing Commander Rumors
Skyrim 20 minute demo
EA can use college players’ likeness
Quantic Dreams: Used sales cost them millions
Final Fantasy X being given a PS3 remake
Civilization V GOTY Edition leaving things out
Super Smash Land
Lonesome Road DLC for New Vegas, final DLC
Playstation Vita given December release window+possible UMD conversion program
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Frankenstick 3DS
Nintendo 3DS Titles
*River City Ransom
*Super Mario 3DS
*Fire Emblem 3DS
*Kingdom Hearts 3DS
*Mario Kart 7
*Kid Icarus
*Free Four Swords
PSP Vita Titles
*Marvel vs Capcom 3
*Final Fantasy X
*Metal Gear 2 and 3
Red Dead Redemption GOTY

PS: Thanks to Mr. Schwartz for recording everything!

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to mention real quick that the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection will also be on the 360.

    It's something that I should have remembered and mentioned being such a big Metal Gear fan, but I'm just so used to it being primarily a Playstation franchise (although the first two were released before the Playstation came out).
