Wednesday, September 21, 2011

TGS Trailers and Gameplay

A lot of stuff from TGS and I'm late for all of it. Sorry about that, that's what happens when a college student is the primary writer for a site like this. Anyway, below I've got six videos showcasing a few different things shown at 2011's Tokyo Game Show, along with comments from me.

So, here are the videos I've been promising.

Dark Souls

Of course, for me the biggest game of TGS (especially without any mention of Bayonetta 2) was Dark Souls. The spiritual successor to one of the most punishing and awesome games of the generation is looking incredible and difficult.

From Gamespot, I saw a bit of gameplay that was kind of underwhelming as they just take on some smaller enemies but still looks really sharp in terms of gameplay and design. However it ends with a really annoying cliffhanger as a dragon drops out of the sky in front of the hero. From what I've seen so far, the difficulty is there and the creature designs are nice and creative. Also the world will be much more open than last time.

Currently this game is tied with Skyrim as the runner-up to Arkham City for my most anticipated game of the year. It looks awesome and I highly suggest considering a pick-up when it's released in the states in less than two weeks. If I've seen everything right, we're going to see an excellent follow-up to From Software's 2009 masterpiece.


Kid Icarus: Uprising

Now, I do not yet own a 3DS. The initial high price and the lack of strong exclusive titles have kept me away. However, there are a few games on the horizon that might change that. One of the biggest is Kid Icarus: Uprising.

For those who don't know, Kid Icarus originates from the titular 1986 NES game starring an angel named Pit (though originally called Kid Icarus). It's now considered one of the best and most difficult games on the system. There was also in a 1991 Gameboy game called Of Myths and Monsters. That was the last game Pit starred in, though he was in Brawl. This will be the first game starring Pit in over 20 years.

And the gameplay that I've seen for it looks awesome so far. I've been very impressed by all that I've seen from this game and it's currently the main reason I might pick up a 3DS when I get the chance. I just hope it keeps some of the difficulty of the original game in there.

As with a few other trailers here, it is in Japanese so if you can speak it, more power to you.


Anarchy Reigns

While we didn't see any Bayonetta 2, we at least saw something from Platinum Games and it's a game that I'm keeping an eye open for. The game will be an online beat-em-up with a lot of characters from MadWorld, one of the most underrated games of the generation.

It's looking great and over-the-top like MadWorld, though in color. Also Jack is going to be the main character and Steve Blum is back voicing him. I hope to see a lot of you guys online whenever I pick this up. Don't let this become another MadWorld.


Asura's Wrath

Asura's Wrath looks like Capcom's answer to Bayonetta, with them attempting to make it look as absurdly over-the-top as possible. It does look really over-the-top but the question is whether or not the gameplay will be able to match the brilliance of Bayonetta's combat. It does look fun from what I've seen so far, but I'm still not completely convinced.



I've made my thoughts on this game clear in both the blog and on the podcast. From what I see in the gameplay trailer, it looks like it could be a fun and fast-paced hack-n-slash but I still just don't like the retcon that they made. It looks like he's going to gain white hair whenever you enter Devil Trigger mode. I am curious if there's a point in the story where it changes permanently white.


Ico Collection

And finally, I'm crazy excited about the release of the Ico Collection. Ico was a great game and Shadow of the Colossus was one of the best games on the PS2. The collection will be released for the PS3 on Tuesday, so if you've never played the two before and have a PS3, pick it up.

Here's the TGS trailer for both of them.

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