Sunday, September 25, 2011

No Podcast?

Hey guys. Some of our followers might have noticed that no podcast was posted on Tuesday. Well, it's not late, it's just not getting posted. As we've said, we record at the Galaxy radio station at Webster University and for some reason that continues to baffle us, it didn't get recorded this time around.

We sat in the station and did our show, but it didn't get broadcast at Webster nor did it get recorded. Rest assured, we are trying to find ways to make sure that this never happens again and that we'll always be able to post it on-time weekly.

In the meantime, here's some of the news we talked about. You can look these up on other sites if you're curious.

        Deus Ex boss fights were outsourced
Cliffy B unhappy with Gears 3 scores
Arkham City delayed on PC till November
No Scarecrow sequences in Arkham City
Battlefield 3 multiplayer beta on September 29
PS3 gets Battlefield 3 DLC first
Gearbox asks gamers what they loved and hated about Duke Nukem Forever
Dead Space 3 possibly confirmed
Crytek developing Homefront 2 plus old timesplitters developer
New Dragon Age II DLC
Talks of Vampire: The Masquerade MMO
Vita is free of region encoding
PSP and Vita can talk to each other via Adhoc
Vita getting an external battery
Early Dark Souls players get punished
EA and BioWare conflicted over when The Old Republic will be released
Diablo 3 public beta has started
Super Smash Bros Universe?
Diablo 3 feels good with controller
Forza 4 Season Pass
NHL 12 biggest week in franchise history
Final Fantasy XIII-2 one disc on xbox
Tommy Wiseau would love to direct a videogame movie
UK Newspaper says that gamers can’t tell the difference between fantasy and reality

We also discussed the topic of HD re-releases and how we thought it should raise more controversy than it does. In the end we both came out with kind of hypocritical standpoints. If it's a game we like, we have no problem re-releasing it. If it's one we don't like: "The developers need more creativity." Oh well, at least we acknowledged our hypocrisy.

Next week, we'll be doing our Top 10 Villains, so that should be nice and interesting. Once again, we apologize for this problem and we promise to do our best to make sure it doesn't happen again.

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