Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dragon Age II Trailer and Achievements and XBLA Titles Announced

Dragon Age II News

Well, Dragon Age II is a month away and I am psyched. That is a definite day one purchase for me. Today, BioWare released a new trailer called "Champion" which shows off the different styles of each of the three classes. Really not any story revealed in this and I still don't know how the voice actress for Female Hawke is, but the demo's coming out in two weeks so I guess I'll find that out then.

Anyway, here's the trailer for your enjoyment.

Like I said, very little story but I was curious as to how the classes looked in this game as that always interests me. Overall the classes don't look too different from how they were supposed to be in Dragon Age: Origins but look more distinct due to the faster paced gameplay. That's one of the reasons my review might take a while to come out for this, as I'll want to experiment with all the classes and the both genders before I write up on it.

Yesterday BioWare also released the list of achievements. There weren't many big spoilers but for those who are worried, I've decided not to post them here but they are online if any of you are curious about what will be demanded of you.

Anyway, Dragon Age II will be released on March 8 which is during my Spring Break. If you preordered the game before January 11th (which I did) you get coding for a free piece of DLC for an extra character. The demo comes out on February 22nd for anyone who wants to give it a try.

XBLA Titles Announced

Microsoft also did something a little out of the ordinary by announcing some upcoming titles that will be released on XBLA over the next few weeks. Two of them have me quite interested.

First up is Hard Corps: Uprising which will act as a prequel to Contra: Hard Corps which was one of the best games on the Sega Genesis and an excellent Contra game. Why they're releasing a prequel over a decade after its release and for a game that put barely any emphasis on its story is beyond me, but it promises to be tough as nails and fun as hell.

The second one is an HD version of Beyond Good and Evil. I never played this game but I've heard that it's one of the great overlooked classics of the last decade. I can't wait to try it out and give my thoughts on the game and if it is an overlooked classic.

Overlooked classic? I guess I'll find out.
Torchlight also sound pretty cool. It was an action-RPG released for the PC in 2009 and if you know me, you know I love a good action RPG.

Hard Corps: Uprising will be on XBLA on February 16th for 1200 MSP, Beyond Good and Evil HD will be on XBLA on March 2nd for 800 MSP and Torchlight on March 9th for 1200 MSP. Two other games will be on within the next few weeks as well. Bejewled Blitz on February 23rd for 800 MSP and Full House Poker on March 16th for 800 MSP.

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