Wednesday, September 14, 2011

20 Minute Skyrim Demo and Max Payne 3 Trailer

Technically, most of the footage that you see here isn't all that new but that doesn't mean that it still isn't cool to watch. Once again the scenery looks beautiful and the overworld looks a bit more lively than I saw it look in Oblivion. Hopefully it's lively at the beginning as well as in the middle and end.

The combat looks fun and intuitive and also quite varied depending on the weapon you're holding. But, it appears that the real star of the show, gameplay-wise, is going to be the spells and shouts that are obtained with dragon souls. The spells that I saw in this demo were badass and one of the reasons I'm excited for this is to see the other spells and shouts the game has to offer.

The dragon battles look incredible, just like they did before and I love the kill animation for the second one. Kind of gave me Dragon Age: Origins flashbacks. All in all, Skyrim looks amazing and I can't wait to play it for myself. Keep an eye out for it on 11/11/11.


Despite just having a release window announced, Max Payne 3 has been a pretty controversial game among fans of the previous two classics. People have been complaining about talks of multi-player, the new look of Max among many other things.

Like I said on last week's podcast, this game is going to have to be at least a second fiddle in March as Mass Effect 3 will be released on the 6th. However, I still am looking forward to this game.

If there's one thing that worries me, it's that I didn't really get a noir vibe from this trailer. The first two were excellent at capturing a style reminiscent of film noir and I didn't really feel it here. The game is still months away so there's still time to rectify that and I look forward to playing it either way.

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