Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Compsoles Podcast #1

Here it is guys! The podcast you have all been waiting for. We will post up something soon about the delay but as for now listen in and enjoy. PS: Quality will improve on the next one!


So here it is, our first podcast...nearly a week after we recorded it. I'll talk about that in a second but first off, a big thanks to Tyler for taking the time to edit this and post it. It was something we hadn't really planned on and he took the brunt of it so thanks for that.

As for how long it took for us to post this, Tyler could probably explain this better but I'll give the short of it. We really shouldn't have had to edit it, but just post it on here. Unfortunately there was a problem with the audio file that split it up into three parts. (If this is wrong, Tyler can edit my statement). Because of this we (and by we, I mean Tyler) had to edit it before we could put it on the site as one file. Hopefully this won't happen again and we'll be able to post it much more quickly from here on out.

Also a quick clarification on a statement I made. Bethesda did not say that they would not worry about bugs if the game was good, but they would ignore the bugs if they were amusing. Kind of like what Rockstar did with Red Dead Redemption. So my apologies on that and we hope you enjoyed listening.

Also, note to self: cut back on "outstanding" :)


  1. Not that Tyler does not know how awesome Zelda 2 was, you guys claim that there is not much difference between Austria and Germany... I find your lack of knowledge disturbing!

    Two countries, very different! VEEEERY Different. Like the US and Canda...


  2. Ah... now i see why that is. Quoting Wikipedia: 'The U.S. Department of State states that 98 percent of the Austrian population is ethnically German,[9] while the CIA World Factbook contradicts this assertion by saying Austrians are a separate group'

    just stumbled upon that :D

  3. @Anonymous

    Uhh, look over there. A distraction. *Zooms out of the room*

    Yeah I'll plead ignorance on that and just say that I was going with popular belief. :)

  4. Here is my point of few to a few things you mentioned...

    Oblivion: The problem with Oblivion was the environment, outside of cities the game was very boring. Nevertheless, a very good game, although Morrowind overall was better (maybe because back then the wow effect of such a huge game was bigger).

    Counter Strike Global Offensive: Counter Strike belongs to PCs. Stupid idea to bring it to consoles.

    Limbo: Amazing game, there should be more creative games like this. However, Braid is still my favorite. Then Limbo, then Trine.

    Femshep: Seems that a lot of ME-Fans are also Sarah Kerrigan (SC2) fans :D

    Mass Effect: story should really continue, no matter with or without Shepard. Although after three titles it could be time for a new star to rise. Imho the only way to continue is stick with exactly that concept of an Action RPG/Shooter.

    Doom & Half Life/Censoring: That is exactly why Germany sucks and Austria is boss :D Doom indeed is fine now because the graphics of the game are VERY seasoned and thats why they decided to put it off the list (because compared to today's games, you might not really see that humans get harmed).

    LA Noire: it IS the future of adventures imho, but LA Noires problem was that it was too linear with case solving. It was CHECK ALL THE THINGS. And questioning suspects also was quite easy once you figure out how it works. Regarding the story, I liked that they didn't reveal the big picture until like 80%. On the one hand it can demotivate you to not follow a central theme but distinct cases. However, that was something I really liked, because I always had the feeling that I am just overseeing some little pieces that connect all the cases. So make case-solving more flexible (without punishing you if you don't do it the correct way) and maybe offer different difficulties. Not everyone is an experienced Adventure player. "The Next Big Thing" does this quite good, it offers optional advice in often two or three degrees, so even a 10 year old would have no problems to finish the game.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I don't know why, but I had to split my comment into two...

    Future consoles: entertainment systems. gaming will not die on both: people do not want to upgrade their PCs all the time but other always want to play top graphics. where will it go? probably streaming technologies, once these providers are reif genug. we have to get away from the thinking that consoles are specifically designed pieces of hardware that only work for games: that was back in the 90s...

    Future of Consoles: If we look at consoles today, they aren't classical consoles anymore. They are now home entertainment systems. However, I can understand that pre 2000-born miss the classic "plug it in, put in a game and play". I miss it too. There is nothing more annoying than finally getting a new awesome game and first thing you have to do is to install it and patch it. While nobody would complain about this for a PC game, I know it sucks on consoles. I think we will see one more console generation that is based on physical games, but at the end of this, but certainly the next one, will definitely utilize game-streaming services. There is no way consoles are going back to be the closed systems they used to be. Additionally, consoles need to open themselves to more genres and therefore Input Methods. RTS is PC Only. I am sure some clever designer can come up with an awesome RTS control device for consoles...

    XBox360 and the Kiddies: It was not only earlier on the market, but also way cheaper than the PS3 when it finally came out. Kids usually don't have that much money and parents certainly want to save money.

    Game streaming: it still is too soon, better/cheaper internet connections have to be available. Also Steam should start such a service - they already have all the big publishers contracted...

  7. I completely forgot to mention the 360's cheaper price. If I had bought both at launch I probably would have remembered that but it completely slipped my mind.
