Friday, July 22, 2011

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Live Trailer, Battlefield 3 Multiplayer, Arkham City, and other Comic-Con Updates

Well I am NOT at Comic-Con which is a real pain in the ass, especially since I'll be in San Diego just a few days after Comic-Con has ended. Even worse is that a Mass Effect 3 demo will be there. FRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAKKKKKKK!

Oh well. I can still give updates from here so let's get started.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution looks phenomenal. The prequel to one of the most highly regarded shooters in history really looks like it's capturing the feel of the original with outstanding gameplay and deliciously complex conspiracy storyline about transhuman augmentation.

A live-action trailer was released yesterday and while it's not the first live-action trailer from the game and takes footage from the last one, it splices that footage with some of the purists, the ones protesting the augmentations. It's quite effective and gives a cool V for Vendetta vibe, which works great for a game like this that is trying to make both sides out as having flawed arguments and methods. Here's the trailer.


Battlefield 3 got some updates yesterday and some more information about the multiplayer, particularly the Recon class (or Sniper class). In order to make the game more balanced and keep camping snipers from ruling the day, there will now be a glint effect. In other words the scope will be reflected by light which will allow others to find the sniper and take him out. There will also be sway and holding breath added.

Also dog tags will be back. First appearing in 2142, the dog tags have been quite popular and will be returning as collectible trophies from players that you kill up close. Finally there was also a video going over the Battle Log, which will track the stats in multiplayer and it's free.


I am crazy excited for Batman: Arkham City and the Penguin was announced a few months ago as well and we've only seen still images of him so far. That is until yesterday when a new trailer was released for him. This game appears to be continuing the tradition that started with the Riddler of turning villains who are tough to make feel like serious foes, and making them truly threatening. Well, enjoy.


Finally Prototype 2 has gotten a release date of April 24th, 20102. I'll be continuing to update as Comic-Con goes on.

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