Thursday, July 28, 2011

FemShep in Mass Effect 3, Bulletstorm Fails

A few weeks ago I talked about how BioWare was FINALLY placing Female Shepard into advertising for Mass Effect. I felt that she has always been overlooked especially given Jennifer Hale's superb performance in the last two games. BioWare had a vote on Facebook as to what the Shepard from the advertisements would look like and we've got a winner.

This Shepard vastly beat every other one that BioWare presented in the contest, outdoing the second place Shepard by over twice the votes. This isn't what my FemShep generally looks like. She has the default face with a different hairstyle and black hair but I like the blonde look.

Either way it's going to be great to finally see her get some attention because in my book, Commander Shepard is and always will be a woman.


In the title above I note that Bulletstorm failed. Obviously I don't mean as a game as anyone who read my review know that I LOVED Bulletstorm. It had excellent gameplay, a surprisingly great cast of characters mixed with great voice acting (with the cast being led by Steve Blum and Jennifer Hale, how could it be anything less), beautiful scenery, funny (snark between Grayson and Trishka was awesome), and a combination of a lot of great game concepts that we've seen over the years. In the end, it had something that I feel a lot shooters lack nowadays: a lot of heart.

Unfortunately commercial-wise, Epic Games has said that Bulletstorm did not succeed. Dammit, I told you guys to pick it up ;). This is weird, as it marks the second game with similar ideas that Steve Blum has been the main character in that failed sales wise (MadWorld) and that game was also awesome, though that was definitely a bigger failure than this was.

While it may not be financially feasible, I'm hoping that Epic Games and People Can Fly bring it back for one last hurrah, especially after the cliffhanger ending that we got. Bulletstorm is one of my Top 5 games so far this year and was my favorite until Portal 2 came out. It had some great ideas that I feel can be expanded on, and I would love to see those characters back and also Blum and Hale back (though I'll probably be hearing them both again in Mass Effect 3). One last thing to finish it and make me feel as though it was concluded. Sorry Bulletstorm, I tried to get people to pick you up :'(


I was planning on writing about how the Norway murderer has implicated video games (very tenuously) and how media is starting to jump on that and the ACL in Australia wants to ban any video games with violence, but out of respect for the dead there and because of just how idiotic the accusations are and measures people are requesting are, I've decided to just drop it here. You guys know my opinion on this matter and I feel that should be enough.

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