Monday, July 25, 2011

Mass Effect 3 Updates, Talia in Arkham, Saint's Row The Third Trailer, and R18 Rating in Australia

Well a few news items out from Comic-Con, some of which I'll go into as the week goes on and after it's over. But let's start with the game that I'm most anticipating: Mass Effect 3.

The Reaper invasion will finally begin on March 6, 2012. The androids, intent on perpetuating the cycle of galactic genocide as they have done for millions (possibly billions) of years over, have been seen steamrolling over the galaxy with nothing standing in their way, and it's now up to Shepard, his/her squadmates, and dramatically improved gameplay to save all galactic life.

I haven't played a bit of Mass Effect 3 but seeing the gameplay has been blissful. At E3 they showed off the soldier and this time they showed off the Sentinel and Adept. I haven't seen any gameplay for the Adept yet (and I still haven't seen the Biotic Punch), but I did see the Sentinel who has a mixture of tech abilities and biotic powers. The biotics look to work the same way they did in Mass Effect 2, which isn't a bad thing at all. The level-up system looks excellent and pretty complex and involved for an RPG/TPS hybrid. I cannot wait to see it for the other classes primarily the Infiltrator and Vanguard, my two favorite classes.

If there's one thing I need to see improvement on, it's the enemy AI. BioWare stated that this game would be the most difficult in the series due to improved AI, but what I saw in this video didn't cut it. To be fair, it's not a completed game by any means and I can definitely tell that it's being played on a pretty low difficulty.

Also, you remember the situation with Wrex on Virmire (to those who played the game)? Well according to Casey Hudson there may be quite a few more situations like that depending on the choices made in the last two games and this game. Throw in Reaper indoctrination and it can be pretty difficult to imagine all squad members getting out alive.

One last thing I'm hoping to see before Comic-Con gets out, Kai Leng. I'm hoping for more information on Kai Leng. Kai Leng is a Cerberus assassin who appeared in the book, Mass Effect: Retribution, and is now being sent by the Illusive Man to kill Shepard and his/her allies. I want to see him because I want to get a taste for the potential fights with him because he's such a badass. Seriously the guy killed a KROGAN with just a knife and later SIX turians with just a knife. I'm hoping for fights with him that match the awesomeness of Tela Vasir in Lair of the Shadow Broker.


Batman: Arkham City has been showing off a few characters this past week, both previously announced or surprises. A few days ago we got our first look at Talia Al Ghul. However, many of the gaming journalists were acting like this was a big surprise, like this was the first anyone's heard of her being in the game. Same with the voice actress, Stana Katic from Castle. Many are acting like this is the first we've heard of her voice the character.

Hate to break it to people and gaming journalists, but this information has been out there for months. I wanted to make sure that I wasn't mistaken before writing this and checked to see news on Talia's presence in Arkham City and I found confirmation of her being in the game from April and I didn't look very long for that information. Stana Katic was the same thing as she was also mentioned in the article.

Don't get me wrong, it's cool that we got a look at her, but this is not the first we've been told of her involvement in the game. So, here's Talia.


Saint's Row: The Third has been looking great. With GTA now being more serious in tone, the Saint's Row series now feels like it has it's own identity separate from most other games on the market and the new one looks really fun. Anyway, a trailer was put up at the end of last week which gives us even more insanity than we already had. Here you go.


Finally, after years of being treating it's gaming citizens like children and games themselves like children's toys, Australia is a few months away from instating an R18 rating for video games. The lack of an R18 rating has led quite a few games from being barred from the nation with Mortal Kombat being the most recent example. Even of the ones not barred, many are ridiculously censored (Left 4 Dead 2 anyone?). While at this point, I'm taking what they say with a grain of salt, it's good to see that they're giving some acknowledgement for their adult gaming citizens.

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