Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bayonetta 2 Rumors, Skyward Sword Release Date, Sonic CD on XBLA, Microsoft Refuses PSN Games

Let the rumor be true!
I rarely report on rumors but this is a big exception. For those of you who don't know, Bayonetta was an incredible game, quite possibly the greatest 3D hack-n-slash ever made. Hell, I named it the 3rd best game of 2010, outdoing Red Dead Redemption and Starcraft II and only being outdone by Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Mass Effect 2. It was also a shock for me, as I thought the game was going to be mediocre at best.

Anyway, many rumors have been swirling about potential announcements at this year's TGS (or Tokyo Game Show), one of them being the sequel to Hideki Kamiya's 2010 masterpiece. I know not to get my hopes up on rumors but I can't help it this time, and I'm so excited to hear about a potential sequel to one of my favorite games of this generation. So in response to this rumor, here's a picture of a squirrel with a nut.


Well, Skyward Sword finally has a set release date. The new game in the Legend of Zelda series is set to be released on November 20th in the states and November 18th in Europe. The game is set to be part of the year celebration of the series 25th anniversary.

Well damn, that makes ANOTHER game in November to watch for. I kind of wished they had released it in December because I may be too into Skyrim at that moment. Still, it's good to know it's coming and I am looking forward to it.


The Sega CD is rightly remembered as being a crappy and mostly unnecessary add-on to the Sega Genesis. It had a bunch of crappy games, like Night Trap and Corpse Killer that nowadays are remembered for being just absolute crap, and enjoyed for all the wrong reasons.

There were a few exceptions like the surprisingly competent Terminator game and a port of Kojima's brilliant Snatcher. Probably the biggest exception though was Sonic CD, which even nowadays is considered by those who have played it to be quite possibly the great Sonic game in history.

Sonic CD was a game that really did everything that we expect from Sonic, with excellent and thoughtful stages, great platforming and, of course, awesome speed. It's a game that many people, even big Sonic fans, have never played since it was on an unsuccessful add-on to the Genesis. It's great to see that many are going to get to play this undeniable class and shining beacon on the crap that was the Sega CD.


Just a quick note, if you don't have a PS3 and want to play a game that's currently only on PSN and are waiting for it to come to XBLA, you might want to save up for a PS3 as Microsoft has come out and said that they will never allow a game that was originally only available on the PSN onto Xbox Live.

I really have no idea how Microsoft is going to spin this positively especially when you look at Limbo which was originally on XBLA but is now on PSN as well. It just seems like a really childish and kind of stupid thing to do. You could be making quite a bit of money off of those games if you let them onto your console. But I guess they don't care.

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