Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Blog Update: Big Changes

Hey guys. Well, I still haven't given my thoughts on Gamescom as I've been busy as hell for the last few days as I started my junior year yesterday. There are also big changes coming to the blog within the next few weeks.

From the beginning a friend of mine and I were making plans on taking this blog and transforming it into its own website. Those plans are still underway but for the time being we are planning on sticking to this blog for reasons of our own.

Probably the biggest change is if you look to the right under the contributors tab. Tyler, the friend of mine who I've been making plans with and has been following this blog from the beginning, has been added as a co-author and you may see some of his work on here every now and then.

For this reason, the URL and title of the blog will be changing to more closely match the URL and title that we have in mind for the website once we get that off the ground.

NOTE: I'll be posting the new URL on the site before we change it so keep an eye open for that.

On top of this, we're planning on posting a weekly podcast starting within a week or two. Lots of changes and they're making me very excited so keep following the blog and let your friends know about it as well. Tell them to read and subscribe to the blog and keep on reading yourself.

If you have any suggestions for more changes over the next few weeks, let us know as we welcome input.


  1. Looking forward to see what you've got planned.

    I'd definitely like to see you get a website. Not only would it be more legit (not that there's anything wrong with a blog such as this), it would definitely be a good way to organize everything and make sure it's easily accessible. Reviews are in one place, news is in another, and so on.

  2. Yeah, we're kind of waiting on the main website until we get a larger following here.

    As for the blog, I'm also planning on putting in a more appropriate background.
