Monday, August 15, 2011

Mr. Freeze Gets a Trailer

Excited about Batman: Arkham City blah blah blah, yeah you've heard me talk about how amazing this game looks so let's get down to business.

We've known for over a year that Mr. Freeze was going to play a part in Arkham City and we've known for over a year that he would be voiced by Maurice LaMarche who is most famous for voicing The Brain in Pinky and the Brain. After that we never really saw much from him again and most of the focus has been on Riddler, Joker, Catwoman, and The Penguin.

We've finally got a trailer and it's got my interest peaked. Given that the story for Arkham City is written by Paul Dini, the man who turned Mr. Freeze from stereotypical mad scientist to a tragic and sympathetic villain, I'm excited to see where he's going to go with this. Judging by the trailer though, it looks like any fight with Mr. Freeze is going to kick ass.

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