Thursday, August 4, 2011

Excellent Deus Ex Trailer, Borderlands 2, Witcher 2 Port Delayed

I am super psyched for the release of Deus Ex: Human Revolution in less than three weeks. I'm planning on doing something Deus Ex related before it's released. Whether it's a retro review or a comparison to a certain other game I love similar to it (or both), I haven't decided.

Anyways, Human Revolution is looking set to be one of the best games of the year. With what looks like an incredibly complex conspiracy storyline, with outstanding and in-depth gameplay, and great level design, it appears that it really might live up to the title of Deus Ex. It definitely has a lot to live up to with the original Deus Ex being one of the most legendary games of all time.

The trailer below shows what Eidos Montreal is really trying to do and it looks wonderful. One of the problems I remember reading about Invisible Wars (the sequel to the original) was the lack of options in comparison. This one appears to give so many possible avenues with open-combat, stealth, adaptability, and social skills. I'm personally going to do my first playthrough with a combination of stealth and adaptability with a touch of social skills mixed in (try to stay away from open-combat). So anyways, here's the new trailer for Deus Ex: Human Revolution.


Borderlands 2 has been officially confirmed to be in the works and is currently being set for an April 2012 release. The game will be developed by Gearbox Studios and fans will have their first official look at PAX Prime later this month.

I never played the original Borderlands, though it is on my to-do list and I'm planning on picking up the game at some point at a lower price. So, we'll see what happens with this one. Gearbox has been very unfairly blamed for the Duke Nukem Forever debacle and I'm hoping this gets them redeemed in the eyes of gamers.


The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings is considered to be one of the best games so far this year. Many console gamers have been curious as to what is great about it since it received such critical acclaim back in May. CD Projekt RED had announced earlier that it would be ported to the 360 by the end of the year.

However, due to a few factors the port has been delayed until early 2012. This is partially due to legal disputes with Namco Bandai, or at least that's my guess. CD Projekt RED has publicly stated that they want to make a perfect port and optimize it with the 360 to make it worth porting in the first place. I could also see that as a reason and while I feel this is a game better made for the PC, I hope console-only players enjoy the game.

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