Saturday, December 17, 2011

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - Power and Mastery Trailer

I know I'm posting a lot of trailers for Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, but I'm really trying to get people to notice this game, it looks spectacular. Each gameplay trailer that I see only increases my excitement and I still have no idea what the story is. Here's the next trailer.

For those who were watching the trailer might see what I like about this. It looks like a bit like Dragon Age but with more versatility, which would make it more like Dark Souls or Skyrim but it's got faster-looking combat than Dark Souls (that's not a bash on Dark Souls) and more in-depth combat than Skyrim.

I've been predicting this game's potential greatness since I first saw it at E3 this year. I REALLY hope that I'm proven right and that this is an awesome game for Q1 2012.

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