Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mass Effect 3 Updates

Hey guys, I promised some news updates but there are also some updates for my most anticipated game: Mass Effect 3. With the video below, BioWare delved into the combat for ME3 which looks largely similar to ME2 as it should with some great looking additions to both our options and enemy types.

As someone who loves playing a Vanguard (it fits my aggressive fighting style in both games and real life), the Charge still looks awesome and the Nova looks REALLY cool as well as having its own drawbacks to give it some balance. I'm also curious to see what new abilities they've added for the Infiltrator, my other favorite class (yeah I know, two opposite extremes). Also, chaining powers looks great, as well as the upgrade to the turret for Engineers.

I do like seeing the extra melee abilities, though I already kind of knew about the two mentioned and I already saw the Engineer's melee attack before. Still waiting to see the Vanguard and Infiltrators' melee attacks as those are the only two we haven't seen.

As for the enemy types, good to see they're mixing them up a bit with shielded (physical shields at least) enemies and enemies that can place turrets themselves. Hopefully this game will be a beast on Insanity. Looking good BioWare, can't wait for March.

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