Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Top 20 Metal Gear Solid Boss Fights (20-11)

A little confession here. I posted this list on a little over a year ago. But I felt it deserved to be brought here as my writing as definitely improved since then and there are a few position changes. So let's get started with Part 1.

What's one thing we think of when we think Metal Gear. Well actually a few things: it pioneered the stealth genre, ridiculously long cutscenes, among other things. But one thing that should come to mind are boss fights. You ask any loyal Metal Gear fan and they will tell you that there is probably no better franchise when it comes to boss fights. Seriously, there's a reason this is a Top 20 list.

I can't think of any other series where the fights are as consistently amazing as in this one. It's strange that a stealth series has some of the greatest adrenaline-packed encounters ever. Even the lowest bosses on this list would be considered awesome in most other games and ones not on here, are still really good. They are creative, action-packed, and just plain enjoyable. These all come from the console games of the Solid series. Not to say that they weren't great before that or on the PSP but the console games were the best. Needless to say all 20 of these are among the greatest boss encounters of ALL TIME!

So which 20 boss fights from this series are the best? Well strap yourselves in, because we're going to find out. NOTE: There are some spoilers ahead. So tread cautiously!

#20. Raging Raven: Metal Gear Solid 4

This is not an incredibly unique or creative boss fight, but it's just plain fun. The setting for it and the lead-up were outstanding. You were just in an awesome motorcycle chase sequence with this bitch flying after you through the streets of Eastern Europe. You're going to want some payback. Taking place in a church tower, she and mechanical fliers are constantly hounding you, firing missiles and her grenade launcher can be a pain in the ass.

But it's all right because you're Solid Snake (well Old Snake at this point), one of the biggest badasses ever. Every know and then they'll fire a complete barrage of missiles and you better keep on your toes. So you have to contend with both Raging Raven and constantly be shooting down the fliers she has with her and it is incredibly fun.

The second member of the four-member B&B Corps, she was an excellent lead-in to the two members who came after her, who we'll get into soon. It's also very long which makes it even more awesome when you finally triumph.

#19. Hind-D: Metal Gear Solid

The Hind-D boss fight in the first Solid game is exhilarating. Like the fight against Raging Raven, the set-up for this was outstanding. You had to rappel down a comm tower while Liquid Snake is firing at you from the helicopter. Get to the next comm tower, and find some Stingers and it's time for payback and what an awesome payback it is.

Fighting on top of a comm tower in Alaska, snow falling, dodging his machine guns and missiles while firing your stingers trying to get the Hind-D's health down is just as awesome as it sounds. One of the first fights in the game had you fighting a tank on foot, but this fight 1-upped that one in every way possible. First off it was being flown by the main villain. Secondly, he had used it to shoot down TWO F-16s by himself.

That knowledge and the set-up for this fight made it an incredibly enjoyable one and it's still absolutely awesome to this day. And three years later, its sequel bettered it, but we'll get into that one in a little bit.

#18. The Fear: Metal Gear Solid 3

Ah, Snake Eater, such an amazing game (okay well, all of these are). Using stealth camouflage, The Fear was kind of an annoying bastard. Just make sure you have the Thermal Goggles though and you'll be fine. The guy is constantly firing poison tipped arrows at you meaning that you have to either dodge the arrows, or constantly be healing the poison (hope you've got a lot of antidote).
There are a few ways to beat him. Of course you can kill him outright, or take away his stamina. His stealth camouflage constantly drains his stamina, so he always goes off to eat something to regain it. Throw something poisoned out and he'll eat that leaving him vulnerable to bullets or tranquilizers.

Just make sure to keep your eyes on the trees, as this guy is an obvious shout-out to Predator, and that's where he'll always be. A little strategy thrown in with the poisoned food and using your equipment correctly made this a fun showdown.

#17. The Harrier: Metal Gear Solid 2

The successor to the Hind-D fight in the first Solid game, the fight against the Harrier was just as awesome if not more so. And this time you had a little help. See, you don't play as Snake in Metal Gear Solid 2 (except the beginning) but as Raiden, but here Snake gives you a hand against this beast, firing grenades and throwing down Stinger missiles for you.

You need to keep a constant eye on your radar because this bastard can come right the hell out of know and plant a few high-caliber rounds into you. Thankfully just like in the first Solid your Stinger has lock-on capabilities allowing you to keep an eye on him.

This comes right after Raiden and Solidus Snake (the villain) meet up, and he immediately jumps into the harrier and the fight starts and like with the Hind-D, it is exhilarating. Metal Gear Solid 2 may not have been the most loved game in the series, but it still had some amazing boss fights, and this is one of them.

#16. The Sorrow: Metal Gear Solid 3

To say this boss fight is "untraditional" would be a massive understatement, even for this series. Some people may not even consider it a boss fight, as you really don't fight anything. See, the Sorrow is actually a spirit, who was killed years ago and he brings the ghosts of all the people you've killed in the game and has them attack you. You just have to dodge them. It's this break from tradition that I like about it though.

How the fight will go depends on how many people you've killed in the game. If you've just tranquilized everyone, only the bosses will come back making for a short trudge, but if you've been playing Rambo, then you're in for a long walk. And the ending require you to think outside of the box as well. When it ends, you will seemingly die. You need to take the revival pill, otherwise you will die. Are you given a hint about this? No, but Kojima expects his players to think outside of the box so it's cool.

There's really no other video game boss fight like it. And it actually fits into the game's theme about war and the fallacy of "enemies in absolute terms" that the game pushes quite well when you really think about it. The out-of-the box thinking also propels it up on this list.

#15. Solidus Snake: Metal Gear Solid 2

Like most of the other fights on this list, the setting and set-up for this fight were excellent. Sure, you may have listened to the most confusing conversation in video game history, but it painted the picture that while this guy had done horrible things, he still had good intentions, while at the same time giving you a good reason to kill him.

Sword fights are awesome but they can be poorly executed when out-of-genre. Not so here. Sure it's not Devil May Cry but it's still got functioning controls when you get them down and Solidus can be a tough son of a bitch the first time you fight him. And it takes place on the roof of Federal Hall in Manhattan which is actually quite symbolic when you think of the game's subtitle, Sons of Liberty, and remember that Solidus was once the President.

A fight that could have gone very wrong, but there's no such thing as "wrong" when it comes to Metal Gear boss fights and Kojima and his team gave it proper execution. A great fight to end out Metal Gear Solid 2 and also helped pave the road for the level in badass Raiden would take by Metal Gear Solid 4.

#14. Revolver Ocelot: Metal Gear Solid

Not necessarily the most difficult fight, but it did introduce one of the greatest Magnificent Bastards of all time and it was still fun, and the first boss fight of the Solid series with the jump to 3D (that right there deserves credit). With a hostage wired with C-4 in the middle of the room, you and he had to chase each other in a circle firing at each other constantly.

You also had to keep your eye on his ammo counter (hint: he's using a Colt Single Action Army revolver which has 6 rounds). He's definitely not very difficult nowadays but the first time I fought him was challenging and very enjoyable and while it's not as difficult now, it's still enjoyable.

Who would have thought that this character would become one of the most important characters in the series with this fight. Probably no one, but he did and the fight is memorable for that reason alone. The fight also ended with Ocelot getting his hand cut off by the next person on the list.

#13. Gray Fox: Metal Gear Solid

One of the coolest ninjas in video game history, this fight was fun especially because of the mystery behind the character and it made the aftermath and revelation of his identity even cooler for the people who had been able to play Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (which unfortunately not many people did).

This fight, like the others, had great set-up where you walk into a hallway and find the slaughtered remains of about a half-a-dozen soldiers. This fight also introduce Hal Emmerich aka Otacon, Snake's best friend throughout the series. One of the things that made this fight cool was that it was the first time that you were essentially required to use hand-to-hand combat in the game and it was really fun especially since Gray Fox had some REALLY damaging attacks.

A great callback to the MSX Metal Gear games, with a returning character and the introduction of a new character, great set-up and revelation, and the first use of hand-to-hand in the game, this fight was exciting and very interesting.

#12. The Fury: Metal Gear Solid 3

One of the toughest fights in all of Metal Gear Solid 3, The Fury is equipped with a jetpack and flamethrower, and he is fast, making him an especially annoying bastard. I hope you've REALLY stocked up on burn ointment because you are going to need it. This is the kind of cheap motherf*^ker who can turn what looks like a victory into a stunningly annoying defeat.

Still when you figure this guy out (his movement patterns, attacks, how to bait him) it is a very satisfying feeling when victory is nearing your grasp. Whether you use lethal weapons like the Shotgun or your Mk.22 for a tranquilizer stamina defeat, it is an awesome sense of overcoming an annoying piece of crap.

The Fury is incredibly tough and cheap but satisfying in more ways than one as he's also the last member of the Cobra Unit and knowing that will give you a great feeling. It's a long fight which again makes it that much more awesome when he's finally defeated.

#11. Screaming Mantis: Metal Gear Solid 4

The last member of the B&B Corps, a huge callback to another fight in the series (next part of the list) and the second-to-last boss fight in Metal Gear Solid 4, Screaming Mantis is a boss that you really need to know how to beat otherwise she's hopeless. Just like many of these other fights, Kojima wants you to think outside of the box.

First off, you constantly need to inject yourself with syringes to keep out of her control, or you'll never hit her and need to constantly knock Meryl out before Mantis forces her to shoot herself (again callback to another boss fight). Second, you need to shoot those dolls out of her hand and pick them up and use them against her. That's the only possible way to defeat her.

Like many great boss fights in the series, this one calls for you think differently than you normally would, and it can be very challenging the first time you attempt it and it's still challenging other times. It's an excellent fight that puts an end to B&B Corps signifying you're near the end, just not quite amazing enough for the Top 10.

Well, I'll be posting Part 2 tomorrow as we'll look at 10 fights that are contenders for the 10 greatest boss fights in history. Check back then.

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