Thursday, June 16, 2011

E3 2011: Capcom

Well Capcom is one of the big third-parties companies responsible for franchises like Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Mega Man, and Devil May Cry. What did they bring to the table here? Well let's start with Asura's Wrath.


Capcom revolutionized the stylish 3-D beat-em-up action game with Devil May Cry 10 years ago. It led to the relaunch of the Ninja Gaiden series, and the creation of God of War and my personal favorite from the genre, Bayonetta. So what will Asura's Wrath, a new IP, bring to the table?

Well from what I saw is that it's going to utilize cinematic camera angles even during the gameplay which is kind of what God of War does but it has a style that reeks of Devil May Cry and Bayonetta with huge and insane boss designs. I'm a little worried about how many QTEs I saw in the demo (which unfortunately I can't find) but there's still no release date which means a lot of time for them to finish things up.


Speaking of Devil May Cry we come to by far one of the most controversial games at this E3: the new Devil May Cry with the redesigned Dante. For those who don't know Dante, here are two images one showing what he looked like in the first four games and what he'll look like in this one.

Dante before redesign

Dante after redesign
Okay, now I'm not going to rage...YET! Capcom has said that this is an origin story so I'll see how they handle it before I go up in arms. The problem though is that the trailer just wasn't all to appealing to me. Now it is just a trailer but they need all they can get with how pissed the fans are about the redesign.

I'm not necessarily expecting it to be as revolutionary as the original or as awesome as Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening or Bayonetta, but Capcom needs to really deliver with this if they want to keep fan loyalty to this series. I guess we'll see what happens.


I'm not going to go one with this one for to long as I'm not a huge Mega Man fan. Oh sure the first three are among the best games of all time and the first three in the X series were awesome. 9 and 10 have also been good. But the Legends I could never get into. It's an action RPG with Mega Man and on the 3DS, that's really all I know about it.


You know, I did not enjoy the Outbreak spinoff for the series. They just weren't very fun. So the problem with this one is that it looks a lot like those just with the new design style that the series has. Okay, we're playing as Umbrella but it still doesn't look very different from what I'm imagining. Maybe I'll be proven wrong but I'm not feeling this one.


Since this is a 3DS game I can't get a demo for it but I will show the trailer. What I can tell is that it takes place between Resident Evil 4 and 5, right after the creation BSAA. Chris goes missing and Jill has to find him. Wow, that sounds a little familiar doesn't it. Kind of like a certain other Resident Evil game that came out two years ago. Overall I'm kind of expecting this storyline to be a little pointless in the grand scheme of things.

What is interesting is that I've read that they're going to kind of be doing a cross between the two Resident Evil designs. It will use a 3rd-person over-the-shoulder camera but have more survival-horror elements mixed in. Whether it will work or not, we'll have to see. We have yet to see a solid Resident Evil game on a handheld, hopefully this will be a good one.


Yes, three goddamn Resident Evil games at this E3. I think that's the most games I've ever seen from a single franchise at E3. This looks a little cool though but there's also a little problem with it. The cool part comes from all the characters they've got: Chris, Jill and Wesker obviously but there's also Hunk, Claire, Rebecca, Krauser from Resident Evil 4 and the king of craptastic and awesomely awful dialogue, Barry. If you don't know he's the man behind some of the infamously hilarious lines in the series. If you want to see, search "Barry Resident Evil quotes on Youtube".

The problem is this: making an entire game set around the Mercenaries side-game. Yeah, I know it will have co-op but I just don't see it being a lasting game that will be worth full retail price. The only way I could see it working is if they made it really tactical and teamwork based like Left 4 Dead, otherwise I don't see it lasting long.


Obviously Capcom revolutionized fighting games with the release of Street Fighter II. That is undeniable. Capcom can also probably be credited with the recent resurgence in popularity of the fighting genre with Street Fighter IV. So why not cross Street Fighter over with another one of the great fighting franchises, Tekken? Well that's what Capcom and Namco are doing and it looks badass.

The game will play like a 2D fighter with the traditional fighting system that we know from other Street Fighter games. How the Tekken characters will fare fighting with that system, I don't know but I guess we'll find out.

Best part of the video below: seeing Cammy and Chun-Li fighting against Nina. My fantasy has become a reality. CATFIGHT!!!! Also seeing Ryu deliver a few uppercuts and a Hadouken to Bob is awesome.

Sorry for not talking about more today, I got a little busy with a few things. I'll make it up by posting about as many small presenters as possible. In other words the companies that didn't show off as many games and I'll go over the ones that DID show a lot over the weekend.

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