Friday, June 3, 2011

Tomb Raider, Uncharted 3 Co-op, Prototype 2, Prey 2, Dark Souls, Darksiders II Trailers and MGS HD Collection

Well the first trailer for Tomb Raider hit this morning and all I can say is: awesome! (Though there is some shoddy editing). This is what I wanted. A new direction to the series. I said that this was Crystal Dynamics' chance to reel me in. Well this trailer showed me the bait and it looks delicious. Now when E3 comes around next week, it will be time to hook me and then reel me in. How?

Well the trailer shows that it's going to be more of a survival kind of story with Lara stranded on an island. They can hook me by showing solid gameplay at E3 and they can reel me in by showing that they want to own the survival story. Make me identify with Lara with this game. Show her going through physical and, even more importantly, mental hardships to make me want to see her get out. If they can follow-up on this trailer successfully, I'll be very pleased.

Next is Uncharted 3. A co-op trailer for the game was dropped and it looks badass. I kind of enjoyed the co-op in Uncharted 2 but it felt a little lacking. It looks like they're adding a lot more to it and making it feel like it has a story to it as well with the characters acting rather than just being avatars in the multiplayer.


Now Prototype 2. I haven't play the original yet but it's in my Gamefly queue. But Radical gave us a trailer for the sequel and it looks awesome. I now can't wait to play through the original to prepare myself for this one.

Then there's Prey 2. Again I have not played the first one but the trailer is badass and I read that the first one received widespread acclaim for solid gameplay.

Next, Dark Souls. My #3 most anticipated game of E3, they dropped a story trailer and just as I suspected, it really isn't all that special. The story sounds generic and uninteresting, but that isn't a bad thing. Demon's Souls also didn't have much of a story and the primary draw was its punishing yet rewarding gameplay (though it does sound like the Maiden in Black has returned at the end).

What we do get from the trailer is some gameplay footage and new creature designs and they look awesome. Take a look and this time Dark Souls is not a PS3 exclusive meaning 360 only owners can be ready to destroy their controllers as well.

Next is Darksiders II. I never played the original Darksiders beyond the demo and thought it was cool but never got incredibly into it. At the time I was too busy playing Bayonetta and then Mass Effect 2 came out and the rest is history. But the concept was cool, basically combining God of War with The Legend of Zelda, and I do want to try to play through it at some point.

So in the last game we played as War, this time we'll be playing as Death. And that's really all I can say about it since I don't really know what's going on, but for those who played the first one, here's the trailer for you to enjoy.

Finally, you guys know I love Metal Gear. It made my Top 10 Franchises list at #2. Well Konami and Kojima are bringing an HD Collection to the PS3 which will contain Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (with the 3D camera from the Subsistence package) and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker from the PSP. All of these are excellent and Snake Eater is probably just behind Super Metroid as my second favorite game of all time.

Controversial but still great.
Already awesome game, now with more fluent controls.
What I really want though is Peace Walker. I mentioned how awesome this game was on the PSP even with the limitations of one analog stick. Now it will have two and much more fluent controls. I cannot wait to pick it up with those controls, plus better co-op capabilities which the PSP version was lacking.

Also here's a trailer for Snake Eater on the 3DS.

More trailers as they come.

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