Thursday, June 2, 2011

Duke Nukem Forever Launch Trailer, Other Trailers and Silent Hill News, The Witcher 2 on 360

You know the guy who predicted that the world would end on May 21st, was just a few weeks off. The world is really going to end of June 14th and I've got better evidence than he did. Because on that day Duke Nukem Forever will finally be released. The game went gold a week or two ago and therefore is considered finished.

It's been 14 long years since it was announced and it's been in development for over half of my life. I was six years old when this thing was announced and it's almost here. For those anticipating it, here's the launch trailer to make you even more anxious. HAIL TO THE KING BABY!


Of course other trailers were released in the last two days. First up is the debut trailer for Aliens: Colonial Marines. In development by Gearbox since 2006, now that Duke Nukem Forever is out of the way, they can devote all their resources to making this the ultimate Alien experience in video games.

We don't see much but it's being written by the writers of Battlestar Galactica and that is a good thing. It will take place sometime at the end of Aliens and it almost looks like they're eliminating Alien 3 from the equation. Though, this raises a bit of a plothole: wasn't the colony nuked to shit at the end of Aliens? Hopefully they'll have an answer to that down the road. Until then, enjoy the debut trailer.

Next up, Lord of the Rings: War in the North. An RPG developed by Snowblind Studios with a projected release date of August 24, 2011, War in the North will focus on the conflict in the Northern regions (no, really?) during the main storyline in the Tolkien saga. The game is expected to have much more graphic violence than any other Lord of the Rings property to date.

The game will also have a co-op feature and will use the Mass Effect conversation system according to Playstation Magazine.

Next, Silent Hill: Downpour. Silent Hill has been going through a rough few years and none of the games have lived up to the first four (three depending on your perspective). Shattered Memories was a unique and admirable effort to rejuvenate the series but it didn't fully do the job. Now it falls to Silent Hill: Downpour.

The main character is a prisoner named Murphy Pendleton, who through a road accident, gets stranded in Silent Hill. If done right, we can expect to see great, psychological, and symbolic horror mixed with excellent characterization. If not done right then it will just feel like a total chore to get through. Please Vatra, do this right. Silent Hill 2 and 3 are among the all time classics and Silent Hill 2 rivals the Mass Effect series for my favorite story in video games and is one of the best horror stories I've ever seen. Anyway, here's the trailer.

Also, Konami at their pre-E3 press conference announced a new Silent Hill game for the NGP, Sony's new handheld titled Silent Hill: Book of Memories. They also announced an HD collection of the best two games in the series: Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3, brilliantly titled Silent Hill Collection. For those who never played those two games, keep an eye out for that.

Finally, The Witcher 2. I haven't played it yet because I haven't played the first one (I will rectify that soon). For those who don't think The Witcher 2 will run on their PC, there's a new solution. The Witcher 2 will be released on the Xbox 360 near the end of this year. If you can run it on the PC, I'd suggest picking it up on that since it's a sequel and the decisions from the first game are transferred ala Mass Effect.

But if you can't, this is a nice alternative. Unfortunately for PS3 only owners, nothing for you guys.

That's all I've got for today, check back tomorrow (Friday, June 3rd) for more.

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