Wednesday, June 15, 2011

E3 2011: Activision

So Activision, the whipping boy of the industry, and also a company that practically prints money with a certain franchise. From what I saw they brought four games to the table with this E3 starting with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.


Modern Warfare 3 was basically the first game shown when E3 kicked in at the Microsoft press conference. I posted a gameplay demo the other day from the press conference so I'm going to post a different video.

This one shows the American military fighting through the streets of New York attempting to get to the Stock Exchange. It's standard stuff but I'm a sucker for fighting in recognizable cities so I'm curious to see what they do with this one.

As I said, when it comes to military shooters being released this, Battlefield 3 is the one that I'm looking at but Modern Warfare 3 is still a Call of Duty game. And while the series gets a lot of hate on the internet they're still solid games, just without much innovation which is why Battlefield 3 gets my pick, but this will be a good rental for me.


I posted about this one a few days before E3 started. Like I said, I haven't finished the first one though I have played some of it and I've enjoyed what I've seen. I wouldn't say it's masterful but I've liked it.

The game looks like a cool sequel but unfortunately it doesn't look like they've really changed much design and gameplay wise. Storywise it looks like a big shift with a new protagonist but I can't fully know obviously.

In other words, it looks cool, but it's probably not a game that I'll be shelling out $60 for on day one.


The second Spider-Man game that will be developed Beenox, with their first being last year's Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions. While I haven't played it, the game received positive reviews for some of its concepts and voice acting. It also received criticism for bugs in the game and some people felt that they didn't fully follow-up on the crossover between four Spider-Man universes.

Well Beenox is taking another stab as they are now responsible for every Spider-Man game that Activision publishes. Will it outdo its predecessor and will it outdo the greatest Spider-Man game ever made, Spider-Man 2. I guess we'll find out this fall.


Finally, X-Men: Destiny from developer Silicon Knights. This is a developer that has made some great stuff but is also behind one of the biggest busts in recent gaming, Too Human. It's sad because other than that they've done awesome work like Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes (the PS1 Metal Gear Solid brought to the GameCube), and one of the best horror games ever Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem.

So I'm hoping that they'll bring the great stuff that they did with those games to X-Men: Destiny which will be a third-person action game that will be introducing three never-before seen characters and I'm guessing the main draw of the game is how they interact with the X-Men. Not really sure on this one yet. I'll keep looking into it.

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