Wednesday, June 15, 2011

E3 2011: Bethesda

Bethesda showed off three games at E3 this year. So like the last ones let's go in alphabetical order starting with Prey 2.


I never played the first game but what I saw in the demo for Prey 2 looks absolutely awesome and it looks like the developer is giving a lot of flexibility on how to play the game which is a big thing. Like I said over a week ago, I may have to give the original Prey a whirl before Prey 2 is released.

The visor and the platforming look very cool and the bounty system is something that I really want to try. Apparently you'll play as a different protagonist than in the original and that currently has no effect on me whatsoever.


Whenever id is involved it's something to keep an eye open for and Rage looks awesome. I'm still a little worried about it being too similar to Fallout 3 especially since it's published by Bethesda but the gameplay trailers that I've seen all look so ridiculously fun. It just looks like an asskicking time.

The AI promises to be excellent and the weapon system looks great especially with the multiple ammo types. The crossbow brain controller in particular is both hilarious and sadistic and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm still curious to see what the main storyline is as the guy in the video notes, id has never been much for storylines and I want to see where they take it.

Anyway, gameplay is below and I can't wait for this release. Though it's releasing in October with Arkham City, Dark Souls, and Battlefield 3. WHICH TO GET?????


And finally my #1 game of E3: Skyrim. They didn't show an incredible amount of gameplay but what they did show made me ridiculously excited about it. This is quite impressive as I'm not even a big fan of Oblivion. I may not be looking forward to it quite as much as Mass Effect 3 but now I don't know which one to pick up: this or Uncharted 3.

The dragons still have me intrigued as to how they're going to fully utilize them in the game and well basically everything about the demo they showed made me excited to get my hands on this game. Well played Bethesda, well played.

At the end of the day, Bethesda did an OUTSTANDING job at E3 this year. They made all three of their games look amazing from the demos that they showed and I'm eager to play all three of them now. I hope the games live up to what they showed.

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