Wednesday, June 15, 2011

E3 2011: 2K Games

So 2K Games had a few that they showed off at E3 this year. The first one up is Bioshock Infinite.


My #3 best of E3, Bioshock Infinite may not have shown a large amount of gameplay but what they showed looked outstanding. Again Ken Levine is back on the series after not really being involved with Bioshock 2 which should definitely mean that we can expect good things from this re-imagining.

Now, thanks to IGN, I've got a video showing an interview with Ken Levine where he talks about the central conflict of the game as well as their decision to re-imagine the series from a new angle. He talks about Elizabeth and the mysterious Songbird and other topics.


Next is The Darkness II. I'm going into this one (and the next one) kind of ignorant as I never played the original. What I do know is that it is an FPS based off of a comic series. The game received good reviews for it's campaign, story, and effective use of powers but was criticized for its multiplayer which was consider very laggy.

There are two vids that I've got for this one. The first is a trailer that they showed for at this E3 courtesy of Machinima and the second is a demo with commentary courtesy of IGN with one of the developers behind the game. Let's check them out.

Apparently we can quad-wield in the game. Whether that was in the original, I'm not quite sure and the design with the light sounds like an inverse of Alan Wake though I've read that was in the original which came out four years ago.

The trailer kind of made me laugh at some point due to the voice acting. Whether it would sound better in context, I can't really say. Looks okay, probably not one that I'm going to pick up but still cool.


For this I'm probably not going to have a wealth of information. What I know is that it's an FPS reboot of the X-COM series, a series of strategy games made by MicroProse Software back in the 90s and early 2000s. The first one is generally regarded as one of the greatest PC games in history.

Unfortunately, I've never played them so I really don't know what the full story behind the series is. I couldn't really find a solid demo for the game from the E3 videos I went through, just a trailer. All I can say though is that it's supposed to be released on March 6, 2012. This means I'm probably not picking it up since there's only one game I'm looking at for March 6.

Later today I'll post about Activision, Atlus, and Bethesda.

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