Friday, June 17, 2011

E3: Deep Silver

Deep Silver showed off two games at E3 this year starting with their zombie co-op game Dead Island.


Now I know this formula sounds incredibly familiar and really it is. It seems like a Left 4 Dead clone. However there is one key difference between the two: Dead Island will have more of a focus on melee attacks than just shooting. There is shooting but kind of like Condemned melee will be the main offense.

I also like the tropical setting that they're using. At the end, this game does look a lot like a clone of Left 4 Dead but it looks like a clone worth checking out and since when is killing zombies not fun?


The second game they showed was Risen 2: Dark Waters. The game is an action RPG but without classes just allowing you to level up the way you wish to I'm guessing. Sounds a little like Demon's Souls in the regard only in Demon's Souls you picked a starting template and could build from there. I never played the first game so I can't give a full opinion on this one.

Unfortunately I can't find a good E3 video for it but I'll try to keep you updated as to the progress of the game as more updates come in.

This evening I'll be going over at least Konami, Warner Bros, and Tecmo Koei so keep an eye out for those.

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