Monday, November 21, 2011

Compsoles Podcast #8 - Review Scores

I finally got time to post these podcasts. Here is the first one and the other 2 are underway. Some stuff we talked about includes...

Battlefield 3 sells 5 million in week (fastest selling EA game ever)
However, a lot of German returns
Mass Effect 3 enemies and co-op species
R18 rating may be two years away for Australia
Assassin’s Creed Revelations Tower Defense
Silicon Studios does major lay-offs
Mechwarrior Online Announced for F2P and PC
GTA V Teaser Analysis
GTA V Multiplayer
Devil May Cry in alternate reality
Skyrim leaked on 360
Ubisoft obtains developer of Trials HD
LOTR: War in the North
Resident Evil: Revelations EXPENSIVE
Limbo developer says retail model is broken
GEARS 3 maps free on thanksgiving
DC Universe Online Free
Rainbow 6 Patriots
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition
500 million downloads for Angry Birds
Joe Danger on XBLA
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West on Xbox On Demand

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