Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - Fate and Destiny Trailer

NOTE: This trailer is about a week old and I'm finally finding a little time to put it up.

Every single piece of information I see about this game makes me more and more excited. It looks like so much fun. It comes out on month before Mass Effect 3 which puts in perfect purchase territory for me. Every trailer and image that I've seen has impressed me and really want this to succeed.

A new trailer came out about a week ago where we hear the orgasm-inducing voice of Claudia Black narrate the trailer as we get a look at some of the RPG mechanics of the game. I have also heard that she will be the narrator of the main game and voice a character in it. The mechanics look in-depth and enjoyable and it gives me even more reason to be excited for this.

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